
How do I lodge an appeal?

1. Before the results are announced: report any difficulties

Academic regulations and procedures

Article 155. – « Unless the Faculty concerned has decided to appoint a mediator specifically for the exam session, whose appointment, powers and duties are to be determined by the Faculty for the start of the academic year in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations, students must notify the Chair of the Examination Board of any practical difficulties that they may encounter, such as non-attendance at an examination, family or health problems or an examiner’s non-compliance with the provisions of the examination regulations.

Without prejudice to article 103, students must notify the Chair of the Examination Board as soon as the difficulty occurs or they become aware of it.

The Chair of the Examination Board shall take all appropriate measures to deal with the occurrence in accordance with these Regulations. »

→ The sooner the president of the jury is made aware of the difficulties encountered, the better the solutions can be found. It is therefore important to communicate well with the jury!

→ Jury presidents have been listed at the end of this article (pt. 3). It is possible that this directory is not complete or contains errors. Do not hesitate to let us know so that we can make the necessary changes.

2. After the results have been announced: appeals

2.1 Step 1: the appeal to the presidents of the jury

Academic regulations and procedures

Article 157. – « Any student who considers that the provisions of these Regulations were not complied with in respect of registration for examinations and the conducting of examinations and Examination Board meetings, apart from the absolute discretion of the Examination Board and each of its members on the individual grades awarded to the student and the results he or she obtained, may appeal against the results communicated to him or her.

To be admissible, the appeal must be submitted by the student by e-mail to the Chair of the Examination Board concerned or by ordinary letter marked for his or her attention hand-delivered against receipt to the Faculty administrator or his or her representative.

For the appeal to be deemed admissible, the time limit for lodging it is three days from notification of the results of the Examination Board meeting in the event of a dispute concerning the latter, or, in the event that the dispute concerns an assessment consisting of a written examination, from the date on which the marked examination paper was inspected in accordance with article 97 of these Regulations, or, in the event that the dispute relates to any other form of assessment, from the date on which the results of this assessment were notified.

The appeal must contain a precise statement of the grounds on which the appeal is based.

The Chair of the Examination Board may interview the student or any teacher concerned by the appeal to obtain further information. The Chair of the Examination Board shall make a written record of oral explanations or take delivery of the written explanations of the party or parties involved and keep them for the purposes of examining the appeal. If the student is interviewed, a report summarising the interview shall be drawn up afterwards in duplicate and signed by the Chair and the student. The student shall be given one copy and the Faculty shall keep the other one.

The Chair of the Examination Board shall notify the student of his or her decision on the appeal. Unless prevented by unforeseeable circumstances, notice shall be given within five days of the date on which the appeal was lodged. The notified decision shall indicate the procedure for exercising the right of appeal referred to in article 158.  »

 → The jury chairs are listed at the end of this article (pt. 3). This list may not be complete or may contain errors. Please let us know so that we can make the necessary changes.

Here are some questions to help you draw up your appeal: 

  • What results are being contested?
  • What is the legal basis for the appeal? Which provision of the General Study and Examination Regulations has not been respected?
  • ​What are the facts? Is there any supporting evidence (email exchanges, copies of exams, etc.)?

Rights and duties in examinations

2.2 Stage 2: Appeal to the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs (VRAE)

Academic regulations and procedures

Article 158. – « The student may appeal the Chair of the Examination Board’s decision referred to in article 157 to the Vice Rector for Student Affairs.

To be admissible, the appeal must be sent to the Vice Rector for Student Affairs within five days of the student being notified of the Chair of the Examination Board’s decision, either by registered post or delivered by hand against receipt, no later than 4.00 pm on the day on which that period expires, to the office of the Vice Rector for Student Affairs.

To be admissible, the appeal must contain a precise statement of the grounds on which the appeal is based and must include a copy of the contested decision.

The Vice Rector for Student Affairs shall notify the Chair of the Examination Board concerned that an appeal has been lodged and may interview or put written questions to him or her to obtain further information. He or she may also interview the student in the same way, with the Chair of the Examination Board present if appropriate. He or she may also require the Chair of the Examination Board to provide him or her with copies of the oral or written explanations collected by the Chair in connection with the procedure for an appeal made in accordance with article 157.

The Vice Rector for Student Affairs shall notify the student, either by e-mail or ordinary letter, of his or her decision on the appeal within one month of receipt of the appeal. »


PLEASE NOTE: Although this is not stated in the General Regulations governing studies and examinations, you must pre-register your appeal request onlineAppeal forms.

To compile your application, you will need to provide :

  • A covering letter
  • Letter (or email) from the jury chair
  • Contested elements and supporting documents

Then you need to submit your paper application, either by registered letter or by hand-delivering it to the secretary's office of the vice-rector, against acknowledgement of receipt. In the latter case, you must be there no later than 4pm on the last day of the deadline!  

You must be careful to submit an accurate and complete application! In principle, once submitted and after receipt of the acknowledgement of receipt, no documents may be added to the application (except at the request of the VRAE).

If the requested documents are not available at the time of submission for reasons of force majeure (i.e., in principle, unforeseeable and beyond your control), they may be submitted later, if and only if the absence of these documents and the justification for it have been indicated in writing in the covering letter at the time of submission.

For information, no document attached to the application and sent to the Office of the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs can be requested after the application has been analysed.

The DEADLINE is 5 days following notification of the jury chair's decision.

Please note that weekends and public holidays are included in the deadline. However, if the last day falls on a weekend or public holiday, the deadline moves to the next weekday that is not a public holiday.

You must receive the VRAE's decision within one month of submitting your application.

​We strongly recommend that you consult the following addresses and make sure that you submit a complete file, within the required deadline and in the expected form. Otherwise, the appeal request will not be considered.

Appeal to the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs

Procedure for lodging appeals/applications | UCLouvain

Timetable and deadlines

Preparing your file

Appeal form

Download a sample appeal form for an examination

General regulations governing studies and examinations

3. Accusation of cheating

During an assessment (exam, assignment, dissertation, etc.), it is possible to be accused of cheating, or more precisely of "irregularity or plagiarism".

Article 107 of the RGEE defines them as follows:

« For the purposes of this provision, “irregular conduct by a student” is to be taken as meaning any communication between students or with third parties during an examination, regardless of what form the examination or the communication takes, or the direct or indirect possession in physical or electronic form, not expressly authorised by the examiner, for the duration of the examination, of information on the subject matter under examination, or of technological means of accessing this information, or, more generally, failure to comply with any one of the examination instructions, intentionally or otherwise. Students must allow the invigilator to check that they are not carrying any unauthorised information or devices.

For the purposes of this provision, “plagiarism” is to be taken as meaning the use, to any extent whatsoever, even by means of a translation, of someone else’s ideas or words, even if paraphrased, or the use of someone else’s graphics, unless the source is clearly and expressly cited in the student’s work. »

Article 108 of the RGEE states that if you are suspected of cheating during an examination, you may continue to take the examination! Possibly after confiscation of the prohibited material. In addition, the teacher present may take any useful measures.

Please note: as long as the jury has not made a decision to this effect, you retain the right to sit your other exams! 

The teacher notifies the faculty administration and the chair of the jury as soon as possible..

The faculty administration enters the mark "T" for the examination concerned. 

The jury then begins the following procedure, as set out in articles 110 to 113 of the RGEE.

​​​3.1 Summons to hearings and decisions

    1. The Chair of the Examining Board will summon the student to a hearing and will hear the student's explanations and defence of the alleged irregularity or plagiarism. 

At the end of the hearing, two copies of the hearing minutes are drawn up for signature by the Chair and the student. One of the two copies is given to the student; the other is kept by the faculty.

It is important to notify your refusal to sign the minutes if the information they contain is incorrect or incomplete!

2. The Chairperson then calls a meeting of the jury to state the facts and arguments or presents the facts and arguments to the jury, which normally meets for deliberation. If the student so requests to the Chair of the jury, he or she will be heard by the assembled jury. The student is notified of the meeting at the latest the day before the day of the deliberation, by e-mail from the Chair of the jury or by telephone with confirmation by e-mail from the Chair of the jury.

If the student is interviewed by the jury, at the end of the interview, two copies of the minutes of the interview are drawn up and signed by the Chair and the student. One of the two copies is given to the student; the other is kept by the faculty.

The jury decides whether there has been any irregularity or plagiarism. 

3. The Chair of the Examination Board notifies the student concerned of the decisions taken against him or her, together with the reasons for the decision. If the jury decides that there has been no irregularity or plagiarism, it invites the teacher to award the student a mark for the examination concerned. If the jury decides that there has been irregularity or plagiarism, the consequences are as follows.

​​3.2 Sanctions

      • ​a) Valuation affected by fraud

​​Si le jury décide qu’il y a eu irrégularité ou plagiat, le jury modifie la note « T » en zéro (0/20), même si les faits ne concernaient pas la totalité de l’évaluation de l’unité ​d’enseignement. 

      • b) Academic sanctions

Depending on the seriousness of the offence, the jury may impose one or more of the following academic sanctions: 

        • a ban on continuing with the current examination session;
        • reduction to zero (0/20) of the marks for the examinations taken during the session concerned, or for one or more of them;
        • ​a ban on registering for one or other of the examinations determined during the other sessions or one of the other examination sessions of the same academic year.
      • c) Disciplinary sanctions

In the case of disciplinary sanctions, the Vice-Rector takes the decision, on the recommendation of the jury.

The penalties consist of :

        • the temporary dismissal of the student from the University.
        • permanent dismissal of the student from the University.

This disciplinary penalty is imposed in compliance with the provisions and procedures contained in the disciplinary regulations, which form appendix no. 2 to the RGEE.

​In the event of permanent dismissal, this has consequences:

        • Immediate loss of status as a regularly enrolled student
        • Immediate loss of all rights associated with this status and the legal effects associated with passing tests during the academic year concerned.
        • No reimbursement of enrolment fees, which are forfeited to the University
        • The name of the student concerned is forwarded to the Government Delegate who, after checking that the procedure has been followed and that the fraud is genuine, forwards the name of the student concerned to ARES for entry in its database. The student concerned is informed of this entry in the database.
        • Automatic refusal of enrolment for a period of three academic years in any higher education establishment in the French Community. The three-year period begins on the first day of the academic year in which the fraud is punished.

​3.3 Appeal to the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs

The jury's decision may be appealed to the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs.

Academic regulations and procedures

Article 158. – « The student may appeal the Chair of the Examination Board’s decision referred to in article 157 to the Vice Rector for Student Affairs.

To be admissible, the appeal must be sent to the Vice Rector for Student Affairs within five days of the student being notified of the Chair of the Examination Board’s decision, either by registered post or delivered by hand against receipt, no later than 4.00 pm on the day on which that period expires, to the office of the Vice Rector for Student Affairs.

To be admissible, the appeal must contain a precise statement of the grounds on which the appeal is based and must include a copy of the contested decision.

The Vice Rector for Student Affairs shall notify the Chair of the Examination Board concerned that an appeal has been lodged and may interview or put written questions to him or her to obtain further information. He or she may also interview the student in the same way, with the Chair of the Examination Board present if appropriate. He or she may also require the Chair of the Examination Board to provide him or her with copies of the oral or written explanations collected by the Chair in connection with the procedure for an appeal made in accordance with article 157.

The Vice Rector for Student Affairs shall notify the student, either by e-mail or ordinary letter, of his or her decision on the appeal within one month of receipt of the appeal. . »

      • a) Procedure

PLEASE NOTE: Although this is not stated in the General Regulations governing studies and examinations, you must pre-register your appeal request online: Appeal forms.

Then you need to submit your paper application, either by registered letter or by hand-delivering it to the secretary's office of the vice-rector, against acknowledgement of receipt. In the latter case, you must be there no later than 4pm on the last day of the deadline!

You must be careful to submit an accurate and complete application! In principle, once submitted and after receipt of the acknowledgement of receipt, no documents may be added to the application (except at the request of the VRAE).

If the requested documents are not available at the time of submission for reasons of force majeure (i.e., in principle, unforeseeable and beyond your control), they may be submitted later, if and only if the absence of these documents and the justification for it have been indicated in writing in the covering letter at the time of submission.

For information, no document attached to the application and sent to the Office of the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs can be requested after the application has been analysed..

      • b) Delay

Within 5 days of notification of the jury chair's decision.

Please note that weekends and public holidays are included in the deadline. However, if the last day falls on a weekend or public holiday, the deadline moves to the next weekday that is not a public holiday. You must receive the VRAE's decision within one month of filing.

      • c) Preparing your file

To compile your application, you will need to provide :

    • A covering letter.
    • A letter (or email) from the jury chair.
    • The disputed elements and the documents attesting to them.

​Useful addresses:

Appeal to the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs

Procedure for lodging appeals/applications | UCLouvain

Timetable and deadlines

Preparing your file

Appeal form

​4. Directory of jury chairs

Please note: this directory may not be complete or up to date. We advise you to check that it is still the person you have entered.

​Please let us know so that we can make the necessary changes.


Président·e du jury


Bachelier et Master
Charles Bielders

Master de spécialisation en gestion de l’environnement
Bernard Tychon


Cycle du Bachelier : jury-bac-drt@uclouvain.be
Patrick Wéry (patrick.wery@uclouvain.be)

Cycle du Master :   jury-master-drt@uclouvain.be
Marie-Aude Beernaert (aude.beernaert@uclouvain.be)

Master horaire décalé : jury-masterhd-drt@uclouvain.be
Kris Wauters (kris.wauters@uclouvain.be)

Frédéric Dopagne

Edouardo Traversa

Damien Jans

Sonja Bitzer





Matthieu Van Vyve

Thibault Philippette

Muriel Dejemeppe

Luca Pensieroso

Mathieu Berger


Sarah Sepulchre

Hugues Draelants

William Parienté

Philippe Bouvier


EURO 2M: Anne-Sophie Gijs / EUHD2MC: Nathalie Tousignant

Eric Mangez

Miguel Souto Lopez



Bachelier en philosophie [FILO1BA]Ph. HAMBYE

Master en philosophie (masters 60 et 120) [FILO2M] J. SCHMUTZ

Master en éthique (master 120) [ETHI2M] J. SCHMUTZ

Agrégation de l’ens. secondaire supérieur : philosophie [FILO2A]O. DEPRÉ

Certificat universitaire en philosophie : fondements [FILO9CE]Ph. HAMBYE

Certificat universitaire en philosophie : approfondissement [FILA9CE] J. SCHMUTZ


Bachelier en langues et lettres françaises et romanes, orientation générale [ROM1BA]Ph. HAMBYE

Master en langues et lettres françaises et romanes, orientation générale (M60 et M120) [ROM2M]T. VAN HEMELRYCK

Master en langues et lettres françaises et romanes, or. français langue étrangère [FLE2M]T. VAN HEMELRYCK

Agrégation de l’ens. secondaire supérieur : langues et lettres françaises et romanes [ROM2A]J.-L. DUFAYS

Certificat universitaire en littérature [LITT9CE]T. VAN HEMELRYCK


Bachelier en langues et lettres modernes, orientation générale [ROGE1BA]Ph. HAMBYE

Master en langues et lettres modernes, orientation générale [ROGE2M] P. PIRET

Bachelier en langues et lettres modernes, orientation germaniques [GERM1BA]Ph. HAMBYE

Master en langues et lettres modernes, orientation germaniques (M60 et M120) [GERM2M] F. SUNER MUNOZ

Agrégation de l’ens. secondaire supérieur : langues et lettres modernes, or. générale [ROGE2A]B. De Cock 

Agrégation de l’ens. secondaire supérieur : langues et lettres germaniques [GERM2A]B. De Cock


Master en traduction [TRAD2M]P.-A. DEPROOST

Master en interprétation [INTP2M]P.-A. DEPROOST


Master en linguistique [LING2M] F. SUNER MUNOZ


Bachelier en langues et lettres anciennes, orientation classiques [CLAS1BA] Ph. HAMBYE

Master en langues et lettres anciennes, orientation classiques (M60 et M120) [CLAS2M] J. TAVERNIER 

Bachelier en langues et lettres anciennes, orientation orientales [HORI1BA]Ph. HAMBYE

Master en langues et lettres anciennes, orientation orientales (M60 et M120) [HORI2M]B. COULIE

Agrégation de l’ens. secondaire supérieur : langues et lettres anciennes, or. classiques [GLOR2A] J.-L. DUFAYS 

Certificat universitaire en langue, littérature et civilisation latines [ELAT9CE]  J. TAVERNIER


Bachelier en langues et lettres modernes et anciennes [LAFR1BA]Ph. HAMBYE

Master en langues et lettres modernes et anciennes (M60 et M120) [LAFR2M] A. SMEESTERS

Agrégation de l’ens. secondaire supérieur : langues et lettres modernes et anciennes [LAFR2A] J.-L. DUFAYS 


Bachelier en histoire [HIST1BA]Ph. HAMBYE

Master en histoire (M60 et M120) [HIST2M] M. BOUHON

Agrégation de l’ens. secondaire supérieur : histoire [HIST2A]M. BOUHON

Certificat universitaire en histoire [HIST9CE] M. BOUHON


Bachelier en histoire de l’art et archéologie, orientation générale [ARKE1BA]

Master en histoire de l’art et archéologie, orientation générale (M60 et M120) [ARKE2M] L. VERSLYPE

Agrégation de l’ens. secondaire supérieur : histoire de l’art, archéologie et musicologie [ARKE2A] M.-E. RICKER

Bachelier en histoire de l’art et archéologie, orientation musicologie [MUSI1BA] Ph. HAMBYE

Master en histoire de l’art et archéologie, orientation musicologie (M60 et M120) [MUSI2M] L. VERSLYPE

Certificat universitaire en musicologie (fondements) [MUSI9CE] L. VERSLYPE

Certificat universitaire en musicologie (approfondissement) [MUSA9CE] L. VERSLYPE


Master en communication multilingue [MULT2M] Th. FRANÇOIS


Master en art du spectacle [THEA2M]J. CHATEL

Agrégation de l’ens. secondaire supérieur : art du spectacle [THEA2A]V. LEMAIRE


Master de spécialisation en cultures visuelles [VISU2MC]A. STREITBERGER


Master compl. conjoint en conservation-restauration du patrimoine culturel immobilier [PATR2MC] Fr. BLARY (ULB)


Master de spécialisation en études de genre [GENR2MC]T. VAN HEMELRYCK


Bachelier en sciences pharmaceutiques
Bernard Gallez

Bachelier en sciences biomédicales
Charles De Smet

Master en sciences pharmaceutiques
Marie-Paule Mingeot-Leclercq

Master [120 et 60] en sciences biomédicales
Charles De Smet

Master de spécialisation en pharmacie d’industrie
Joëlle Quetin-Leclercq

Master de spécialisation en pharmacie hospitalière
Anne Spinewine

Master de spécialisation en biologie clinique
Vincent Haufroid

Certificat universitaire en sciences pharmaceutiques
Joëlle Quetin-Leclercq


Patrick Henriet



Master en sciences de la santé publique
 Pr Vincent LORANT

Master de spécialisation en sciences de la santé publique - Méthodes de recherche appliquées à la santé globale
Pr Jean MACQ

Master de spécialisation en médecine du travail
Pre Perrine HOET

Master de spécialisation en méthodologie de la santé publique



Martin Buysse


Masters LLN 
Benoît GAILLY : president-jury-lln@uclouvain.be 

Masters Mons 


Bachelier en médecine
Président de jury de bachelier: Nicolas Tajeddine

Bachelier en sciences dentaires
Président de jury de bachelier :  Séverine Mateu-Ramis

Master en médecine
Président de jury, Franck Verschuren : president-master-med@uclouvain.be

Master en sciences dentaires
Chloé Hardy

Master de spécialisation en anatomie pathologique
Christine Galant

Master de spécialisation en anesthésie-réanimation
Luc Sermeus

Master de spécialisation en biologie clinique
Pascale Saussoy

Master de spécialisation en cardiologie
Christophe Beauloye

Master de spécialisation en chirurgie
Raymond Reding

Master de spécialisation en chirurgie orthopédique
Olivier Cornu

Master de spécialisation en chirurgie plastique, reconstructrice et esthétique
Benoît Lengelé

Master de spécialisation en dentisterie générale
Gaëtane Leloup

Master de spécialisation en dermato-vénéréologie
Marie Baeck

Master de spécialisation en gastro-entérologie
Pierre Deprez

Master de spécialisation en génétique clinique
Anne De Leener 

Master de spécialisation en gériatrie
Pascale Cornette 

Master de spécialisation en gynécologie-obstétrique
Jean-Luc Squifflet 

Master de spécialisation en médecine aiguë
Andrea Penaloza-Baeza

Master de spécialisation en médecine d’urgence
Andrea Penaloza-Baeza

Master de spécialisation en médecine générale
Cassian Minguet 

Master de spécialisation en médecine interne
Philippe Hainaut 

Master de spécialisation en médecine légale
Grégory Schmit 

Master de spécialisation en médecine nucléaire
François Jamar 

Master de spécialisation en médecine physique et en réadaptation
Anne Berquin

Master de spécialisation en médecine transfusionnelle
Véronique Deneys 

Master de spécialisation en neurochirurgie
Christian Raftopoulos 

Master de spécialisation en neurologie
Adrian Ivanoiu

Master de spécialisation en oncologie médicale
Jean-Pascal Machiels 

Master de spécialisation en ophtalmologie
Laurent Levecq  

Master de spécialisation en orthodontie
Sami Assaf Bou Saba

Master de spécialisation en oto-rhino-laryngologie
Philippe Rombaux

Master de spécialisation parodontologie
Selena Toma 

Master de spécialisation en pédiatrie
Stéphane Moniotte 

Master de spécialisation en pneumologie
Guiseppe Liistro 

Master de spécialisation en psychiatrie, orientation psychiatrie adulte
Philippe de Timary 

Master de spécialisation en psychiatrie, orientation psychiatrie infanto juvénil
Emmanuel de Becker

Master de spécialisation en radiodiagnostic
Bruno Vandeberg 

Master de spécialisation en radiothérapie-oncologie
Xavier Geets 

Master de spécialisation en rhumatologie
Frédéric Houssiau 

Master de spécialisation en stomatologi
Pierre Mahy 

Master de spécialisation en urologie
Bertrand Tombal


Bachelier en sciences psychologiques et de l’éducation, orientations générale 

Nils Frédéric

Bachelier en sciences psychologiques et de l’éducation, orientations logopédie
Szmalec Arnaud

Master en sciences psychologiques et certificat en sciences psychologiques 
Moïra Mikolajczak

Master en logopédie 
Szmalec Arnaud  

Master en sciences de l’éducation 
Raemdonck Isabel

Master en sciences de la famille et de la sexualité 
Collart Pierre

Agrégation de l’enseignement secondaire supérieur (sciences psychologiques et sciences de l'éducation)
Ghysselinckx Anne

Master de spécialisation en cliniques psycho-thérapeutiques intégrées
Philippot Pierre

Master de spécialisation en pédagogie universitaire et de l'enseignement supérieur

Frenay Mariane

Certificat d'aptitude pédagogique approprié à l'enseignement supérieur en hautes école

Van Nieuwenhoven Catherine


Bachelier en médecine vétérinaire
Président (et conseiller aux études) : André Moens

Bachelier en sciences biologiques
Président (et conseiller aux études) : André Lejeune

Bachelier en sciences chimiques
Président : Michel Devillers

Bachelier en sciences géographiques, orientation générale
Présidente : Marie-Laurence De Keersmaecker

Bachelier en sciences mathématiques
Président :  Augusto Ponce

Bachelier en sciences physique
 Président : Christian Hagendorf

Master en biochimie et biologie moléculaire et cellulaire

Master en sciences biologiques
Président : Henri Batoko

Master en biologie des organismes et écologie
Président : Renate Wesselingh

Master en science des données, orientation statistique
Président : Christian Hafner

Master en sciences actuarielles
Président (et conseiller aux études) : Pierre Devolder

Master en sciences chimiques
Président : Jean-François Gohy

Master en sciences géographiques, orientation climatologie

Master en sciences géographiques, orientation générale
Présidente : Marie-Laurence De Keersmaecker

Master en sciences mathématiques
Président : Heiner Olberman

Master en sciences physiques
Président : Eduardo Cortina Gil

Master en statistiques, orientation biostatistique
Président : Christian Hafner

Master en statistiques, orientation générale
Président : Christian Hafner

Agrégation de l’enseignement secondaire supérieur
Présidente : Marie-Laurence De Keersmaecker