The Communications Commission

The Communications Committee brings together a whole group of students who want to develop and participate in the implementation of communications strategies for the other committees and for the AGL as a whole.
The communication tools used
Social Networks
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,... We have an online presence and regularly use social networks to pass on information and communicate about our actions.
Poster campaigns are certainly important at the AGL, but we like to vary the pleasures and also use printed materials such as flyers, guides, packaging, folders, bics, condom wrappers and others to convey our campaigns to the student community.
Photos and videos
The committee also prepares video and photo montages based on current campaigns or to get a message across via social networks.
The committee is also responsible for writing content for the website, for the production of printed material and even for our magazine, La Savate.
Members of the commission
If you are interested in teaching issues, want to give your opinion on them, want to get involved in projects or come up with new ideas, or simply want more information, please contact :

Thibaut Doyen
Responsable Communications