L'AGL, c'est quoi ?
The AGL is the General Assembly of the Students of Louvain. It brings together all the students of the Catholic University of Louvain and represents them with the authorities of UCLouvain and other organizations.
Student representation in university bodies has been organized since 2012 by the Participation Decree of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.

The AGL is the union for all students at UCLouvain. It defends their rights globally (dialogue with the authorities, symbolic actions, demonstrations, etc.) and for each student individually (help in the event of conflicts with their landlord, support in the event of appeals, etc.).

The AGL is the body responsible for keeping students informed. It advises them of their rights, both in terms of their education and their practical lives (grants, accommodation, social rights, etc.).

AGL permanent staff are available every day to answer students' questions by phone, email or face-to-face during their office hours. Depending on the request, they will direct students to the most appropriate person or assist them directly with their enquiries.

The students elected each year to the AGL Council represent the students in their dealings with the university authorities and within the various bodies of UCLouvain. The AGL makes the voice of UCLouvain's 30,000 students heard. How does it do this? By meeting its council every month to take positions that represent the opinion of a majority of students.

Every year, just before the Easter blockade, students are called to the polls to elect their representatives. This vote makes it possible to designate more or less 80 students from all faculties and, therefore, from all UCLouvain sites (this number varies according to the number of students).

These 80 elected students make up the AGL Council. It meets every month (during term time). The Council decides on information campaigns, positions to be taken vis-à-vis the authorities and symbolic actions to be taken (when necessary).

Following the elections, the Board appoints its presidents and their team. They will form the AGL Committee. It is this committee that manages the daily life of the AGL and executes the decisions of the Council. The Committee is composed of one/two (co)-presidents, a general secretary, a treasurer and vice-presidents in charge of specific themes (education, social, ecological transition, PEPS, communication, societal openness, etc.). They follow the files and carry out projects related to their theme. Each is accompanied by a commission coordinating various projects.

The commissions are made up of all students interested in one or the other theme. If you feel motivated, don't hesitate to go to regular meetings.
In addition, after appointing its committee, the council nominates students to sit on the various bodies of UCLouvain, as well as on other structures (such as the Fédération des Étudiants-e-s Francophones, the Assemblée Générale d'Univers Santé, etc.). All of these mandates are presented in our Charter of agents.